Our services

Your health comes first

Our services

Our services aim to solve all your foot problems. Book an appointment, we will respond to your needs and provide services that will meet your expectations.

We examine

Conditions treated

Biomechanical problems 5

  • Bunion
  • Flat feet/cavus feet
  • Neuroma
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Sprain and fracture

Diabetic foot 1

  • Diabetic foot

Skin and nails 7

  • Athlete’s foot
  • Corns and calluses
  • Excessive sweating
  • Ingrown toenail
  • Mycotic nails
  • Plantar wart
  • Psoriasis/eczema

For a consultation

Book an appointment

Condition :


A podiatrist can help to relieve pain associated with bunions (hallux abducto-valgus) and slow down the progression of the deformation. Treatments will vary depending on the severity of the problem. Your podiatrist will give you advice on adequate footwear and will prescribe foot orthotics if indicated. Also, patient will be referred for surgery if needed.

•Deformity of the big toe joint leading to the appearance of a bump ;
•Redness and pain after wearing shoes all day.


Condition :

Flat feet/cavus feet

A complete biomechanical exam and gait analyse with your podiatrist will determine your foot type. If you have pain, there are various treatments like custom foot orthotics.

•Fallen arches or high arches ;
•Ankles rolling inwards or outwards.

Flat feet/cavus feet

Condition :


When there is a compression of a nerve between two bones in the foot, a neuroma can occur. In reaction to this repeated friction when walking, the nerve gets thicker and sends pain signals. Wearing inadequate shoes can lead to this problem over time. Your podiatrist will give you advice on a proper footwear for your condition. There are also treatments to relieve pain such as a cortisone injection, ultrasound therapy and cushioned shoe pads. Custom foot orthotics are indicated when the nerve compression is caused by the malalignment of the feet. Severe cases can require surgery.

•Burning or electrical shock sensation in the toes;
•Feeling of having a fold in your sock or a bump inside your shoe.


Condition :

Plantar fasciitis

The plantar fascia, a structure extending from the heel to the toes, acts as a support to the arch of the foot. It is extremely sollicitated during the walk, therefore often injured. Many factors can lead to a plantar fasciitis like inadequate footwear or a biomecanical malalignment of your feet. Your podiatrist can identify the cause and propose different treatments such as therapeutic bandages, ultrasound therapy, anti-inflammatory medication, a cortisone injection and foot orthotics.

•Pain in the heel area or in the arch ;
•Worst when getting up in the morning or after a long sitting time.

Plantar fasciitis

Condition :

Sprain and fracture

Foot and ankle sprains can happen while practicing a sport, but also while walking on an uneven surface for example. A chronic ankle instability can lead to repeated injuries if left untreated. Your podiatrist will help you treat the problem to get back on your feet as soon as possible. Also, advice on proper footwear, strenghtening and proprioception exercises will be the key to a full recovery. Finally, if a fracture is suspected, your podiatrist will prescribe X-rays and analyse them.

Sprain and fracture

Condition :

Diabetic foot

Peripheric neuropathy, a loss of nerve sensitivity, is a possible result of diabetes and can be painful everyday. Your podiatrist can evaluate your foot sensitivity with a few neurological tests. This evaluation will help you treat related foot problems and prevent ulcers.

Diabetic foot

Condition :

Athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is a common fungal skin infection which can affect the soles of the feet and the spaces between the toes. Your podiatrist will treat your problem and explain to you all the factors that can cause athlete’s foot and how to prevent them from happening.

•Itching ;
•Redness, small blisters ;
•Scaling and cracked skin.

Athlete’s foot

Condition :

Corns and calluses

Corns are located on pressure points under the feet or between the toes. Painful or not, if left untreated, they can become larger , thicker and deeper. Calluses are areas of your feet where the skin gets thicker because of a repeated friction or plantar pression. The podiatrist will debride corns and calluses with sterile instruments and give you some advice on different creams to apply at home.

Corns and calluses

Condition :

Excessive sweating

Did you know that there are ways to control excessive sweating of the feet ? Your podiatrist will give you advices on daily hygiene and shoe care and prescribe a treatment if necessary.

Excessive sweating

Condition :

Ingrown toenail

This frequently seen problem can be treated by cutting the portion of the nail that has penetrated the skin with a technique called slant back. It can also be permanently treated under local anesthesia with a minor surgery called partial matricectomy.

•Redness, swelling and pain at the periphery of the nail ;
•Possible discharge of pus.

Ingrown toenail

Condition :

Mycotic nails

Onychomycosis is a frequently seen fungal infection. When in doubt, the podiatrist will take a specimen of your toenail to confirm his diagnosis. There are topical and oral medications to treat onychomycosis.

•Yellow-brown or white discoloration ;
•Presence of debris under the toenail ;
•Thickened and crumbly toenails.

Mycotic nails

Condition :

Plantar wart

A plantar wart is a viral infection caused by human papilloma virus (HPV). Left untreated, plantar warts can multiply, grow in size and become painful when walking. The podiatrist can treat your warts and help you avoid recurrence of this problem.

•Growth under the foot or on the toes with or without callus on top ;
•Black pinpoints (small clotted blood vessels) ;
•Possibly painful when walking.

Plantar wart

Condition :


Skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis can also affect your feet. It can cause pain, itching, burning sensations and can also change the nail appearance. Your podiatrist can evaluate the problem and prescribe  the appropriate treatment for your condition.
